Our life, pregnancy, and baby adventures.

 Pregnancy Ticker

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dear Baby: You're a boy!!

Hello my little love bug!!

We found out a few days ago that you're our little Noah! :D Which may explain all the kicking since we were convinced you were a girl. Sorry about that ;) I will never forget it when the Ultrasound tech announced you were a boy! I was so happy. And seeing you made the months of continuous vomiting absolutely worth it! You are such a little weirdo like your Daddy and I though. We caught you grabbing your junk, and licking your umbilical cord. Still unsure of whether or not that's normal! You yelled at us too :) The tech was shocked at how active and crazy you are!! I'll get to that in a bit though ;) She saw you kicking my poor bladder quite a few times. Your already making people laugh with your spaz-like personality I just know you're going to have. We got to see your little feeties you like to kick me with, and you even sucked your thumb for a second. You were so crazy though that the tech had to chase you around! You wouldn't stay still :)You were an estimated 10 ounces (a little bigger than normal) and you are completely healthy! Basically you are perfect <3

So now to new pregnancy experiences!!
You move around SO MUCH and I feel every little thing! Around 17 weeks was when I started feeling your little kicks, and by 18 weeks, they were hard kicks that Daddy and I could feel and see from the outside!! Now that is not normal. But it's because you have strong little legs, and your a spaz. You kick me ALL THE TIME. I think the only time I don't feel kicking is when I'm at work, which of course is when everyone wants to touch my tummy. You love to kick at night when I'm laying down, and I'm pretty sure you're already hooked on the show Dexter (just like everyone else in the world!). Every time we watch it, you shove yourself up to the edge of my tummy, and kick and roll around. You will not be allowed to watch that show until your like my age, so enjoy while you can!! No grown up shows for you! But seriously, we watch you kicking and moving from the outside of my tummy and it's creepy and awesome at the same time. I love it :) But I'm getting revenge somehow when your older. I've already started with posting your naked ultrasound picture up on my facebook for all your future girlfriends to see! Just kidding you won't have girlfriends. Mommy is the only girl you're allowed to love. And other family members. But no girlfriends.

I think my sleeping issues are finally starting (thank you very much). Last night, I was wide awake until past 1 AM, and back up around 4:45 (some girl screaming at her baby daddy outside the window) and was wide awake until maybe 6 ish. Then up again at 8 and haven't slept since. You like to play soccer with my bladder when I try to sleep. It's so much fun! Not. But I'm alive and functioning so I'm happy :) The only thing I would change is the weird restless leg thingy that keeps me up in the middle of the night EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.

Craving are basically non-existent. I guess I'm a little grateful because I don't want you getting used to eating Oreo McFluries and french fries every day (and I don't want anymore dramatic weight loss/gain) but I wish I wanted a pickle at 3 in the morning sometimes. I do have preferences though!! Or, you do. Not sure if you took over my taste buds or what's going on. But I seriously miss chicken! You seem to prefer lasagna. I think I've had it every day since we had it for dinner a few nights ago. And it ALWAYS sounds really good. The only thing I really "crave" (and by crave I mean thinking to myself Oooh that sounds really good right now) is juice and smoothies. Hold on now I need to go get a cup of juice. Ahhh that's better. Okay so back to food. It's been tough to find real foods and snack foods that I (you) like!! The one thing that has been a real lifesaver throughout my whole pregnancy is smoothies! On the days that I was super sick and didn't want to eat anything, smoothies would help fill my tummy up. My Magic Bullet (wedding present from Gramma June. Thanks Gramma!!) is the most amazing blender I've ever used! It's super easy to use, and super easy to clean which I love. Once you go Magic Bullet, you never go back.

Now that we know you're our Noah, shopping around has been so much fun!! I am OBSESSED with getting you stuff that has animals on it. Lions, bears, giraffes, alligators, every cool animal you can think of you'll probably see in the first week of your life. Sorry if I overstimulate you with fuzzy animal blankets but I just can't help it! I already made my registry too! I spent hours on it last night, and finished it this morning. So many things I want to get you :) You will be ridiculously spoiled. You already have two strollers, and will probably end up getting a third (bought Daddy a cool looking jogging stroller so he doesn't have to push you around in the elephant one I want to get you). You have half a box of clothes and lots of other little things I wanted to buy you as soon as I saw it. I probably won't even need a baby shower by the time it rolls around! I need to control myself, and Daddy doesn't help. He's guilty of swooning over dino onsies too!! We even already have your Halloween costume. It's a surprise though ;)

Well that's all the rambling for now. I'll share some ultrasound pictures and other fun stuff too! Just wanted to let you know that we love you very much my little love bug!!! Can't wait to meet you!!

Momma and Daddy


Your cute little button nose!!


Giving us attitude.


Naked picture!! You got Mommy's cute little butt :D


Your little foot that was kicking me.

19 week belly picture (and Daddy!!)

How we announced you!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Fresno adventures: Getting there!

On May 6th, we set off on a trip to Fresno for our wedding!! Not without drama and adventure though, of course. About halfway through the drive (exiting the grapevine), our tire blew out. We pulled over to the side and that sucker was COMPLETELY shredded. We called my Mom and the towing company so we could get moving and back on the road. When we called the towing guys, we found out it was going to be $360 to get towed to Bakersfield!!!! That was about half of our saving for the wedding/baby gone. We were trying not to stress out too much :) So tow guy got out there, loaded up the car (so happy to be off the side of the road and not being almost run down by semi trucks!) and after a short pee break at Denny's, headed off to Pep Boys in Bakersfield. Tow guy told us we were also going to have to replace a second tire, which was about to die on us as well. So there went all our savings :) We got to Pep Boys and they started fixing my baby. Manny got us Subway so I was at peace with the situation :) Then mister Pep Boys fool tells us tire number three is not in good condition and it needs to be changed. Ughhh. Yay for having to call Mommy and Daddy and asking to borrow money. But I'm grateful my in-laws were willing to help us out :) So after remaining calm and getting the car finished up, we were DYING to get back on the road (we had been stalled about 3 hours). We go to pay, and the total came out to way less than what we thought, and mister Pep Boys guy tells us that a couple that was with us in the waiting room had payed for one of our tires and the labor fees. We were so happy and so thankful for their kindness! They left before, so we didn't have a chance to kiss their feet. And I cried :) We finally got back on the road with $40 left in our savings! Oh did I mention I had gum still stuck in my hair from before we had to pull over? But we made it to Fresno, and the gum was removed with little damage which was the important part ;)

First tow truck ride!! See the gum? :D

Pep Boys fool was NOT paying attention when we gave him our information.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Husbands and Pregnancy

So tonight I got to thinking about husbands (mostly mine), and how they deal with pregnancy.

Manny has been AMAZING so far. Through my lovely days of morning sickness (which seem to be just about over), to taking over most of the chores, he has really been wonderful through all this. Poor thing has had probably a weeks worth of home cooked meals in the past few months. His dinners have consisted of Panda Express, PB&J's, and whatever he wants to cook up. While I miserably sit on the couch eating dry cereal ;) Thankfully the past week or two I've been cooking A LOT more. He's taken over doing the dishes and laundry for the most part, and does what he can to help keep the house (er, shack of an apartment) cleaned up. He is (almost) always in the bathroom holding my hair back while the contents of my stomach decide to exit, and even helps clean up what misses the toilet sometimes. Except for the triscuit/rootbeer fiasco, I was on my own with that one. Poor thing has probably seen more regurgitated food than a person should ever have to see! But he's been such a trooper through it all, and I couldn't be more grateful :)

He doesn't seem to realize that much has changed with me (physically) except for the weight I've lost. He finally noticed my baby bump I've been sporting for about a week now, and was pretty intrigued by it. It was pretty cute :) I honestly think the only thing he noticed before that was that my boobies have grown. Such a man. I'm excited to get bigger, and see what happens. It's been interesting watching him change a little bit now that our family is starting to grow. I'm definitely more excited for our new little adventure!