Dear baby,
This is Mommy talking :) I found out you existed about 24 hours ago. And I'm still in shock. I should have started my "lady time" yesterday, and since I didn't I thought i'd take a test for fun. I wish you could have seen the look on my face when it was an instant positive! I had to run to my bedroom and check the box, to make sure I was reading it right. Well Daddy and I are so happy your going to be here! Although your making me extremely tired. Growing you is exhausting so far! And your only the size of a poppyseed. You've also made me really hungry. I want to eat EVERYTHING. Oh and did I mention your only four weeks growing and i'm extremely bloated? I already feel like a cow and your still so tiny! But I love you anyways :) I can't wait to meet you soon!
Love, Mommy
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