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Monday, June 4, 2012

My awesome Noah Belly!!

Dear Noah:

You have officially taken over my belly. You are my Noah Belly. You kick everything in there that your little feet can reach. When I have to pee, and think I can hold it and stay in bed for a few more minutes, you (not so kindly) remind me with a few hard kicks to the bladder that it's not going to happen. Dude, I know there's enough room in there for you and my full bladder so cut me some slack. You are starting to get so big that body parts (that will go unnamed, thank you) have completely disappeared. It's only a matter of time before everything else on my lower half is gone! You are starting to get pretty heavy too. My back officially hurts ALL THE TIME. How am I going to last another 18+ weeks of this? I'm so tiny, yet you're going to keep getting bigger and bigger. I don't know if I can imagine myself bigger than this. Although I thought my teeny 14 week bump was gigantic, but it was just a little pooch compared to this. And I'm only halfway there. I now refer to the small watermelon my stomach is becoming as my Noah Belly, because it's all you!! And you know what? I LOVE IT! I'm so in love with you it's ridiculous. Just ask Daddy. Every other text is something about you. I'm constantly putting my hand against my tummy so you can kick me. I even fed myself spicy nacho doritos because it makes you a flipping crazy fetus. Then recorded it as you dancing to ballet music. More revenge for all the kicks I'm getting ;) Sorry, but you have an evil Momma that wants to embarrass you. It's out of love though, I promise. So I hope you're enjoying your vacation in Noah Belly, because once you're out of there I'm going to smother you in kisses and snuggles.

P.S. I know you're upset that Daddy's gone for awhile, but kicking me even harder isn't going to change anything. So knock it off. Mwah! :)

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